At Motley we are committed to saving dogs of all shapes, sizes and ages. That being said, we have a very special place in our hearts for the seniors. We rarely know their history or their life story. All we know is that somehow they have found themselves in their golden years looking for a soft place to land. Adopting a senior and giving them the time they deserve to know love and care, is in our opinion, one of the grandest parts of dog rescue. We are thrilled to be in a position to be able to help the too often forgotten older dogs.
Sponsor a Senior
Donating to our seniors gives Motley Mutts Rescue the opportunity to take in more senior dogs. Seniors can require a lot of extra medical expenses for both the rescue and adopters. We try to offset this cost as much as possible for our adopters by reducing adoption fees, covering some of the medical expenses, or trying to get some of the medical care covered prior to transport. We’ve had great success rescuing seniors and can continue to do so with your help. No amount is too small and is greatly appreciated! Sponsor a senior!