Motley Mutts Rescue is a registered NH non profit and 501c3 that depends on volunteers to continue saving dogs. Interested in helping change lives? Thank you for considering Motley Mutts. We can’t do it without you! Volunteer with Motley Mutts Rescue!
Motley Mutts Rescue welcomes in-kind, monetary and item donations. We use Square, Paypal and Venmo for safe and secure donations. If you would like to help support the cost of our work, please consider a tax deductible donation. We count on our volunteers and you to continue to save lives. Click the Square link or Paypal link to make a one time donation, or consider a recurring donation! Or make a donation using Venmo to @TheMotleyCrew603
We’ve partnered with Chewy.com and, if you use the Chewy.com link to shop online for your canine needs, a small donation from every purchase goes to Motley Mutts Rescue.